How Your Attachment Style Affects Your Relationships

Secure attachment styles will accept the breakup as a learning opportunity and look to the future. Avoidant attachments try to avoid and numb their feelings by jumping to rebound relationships. We have looked at the four different attachment styles and how they handle breakups after dumping someone.

With anxious attachment people are frequently in their survival brains anxiously reacting to what a partner is saying or doing. They need frequent reassurance and validation that the relationship is “okay” and when they don’t get it, they get reactive. “For people who suffer from anxious attachment, in order to form healthy relationships, it is important to, first of all, become aware of your attachment style. Second, learning how to express your emotions is extremely important for any individual and in particular those who suffer from an anxious attachment personality style,” says Safai.

Finally, don’t take it personally if your partner needs space. Most of us want to know what’s on our partners’ minds. Avoidants, however, will only share this information when they are ready. Anxious-Preoccupied Avoidants create endless cycles of self-fulfilling prophecies. They avoid intimacy with their partners but will say ‘I knew it! You can see the irony in these situations; the constant strain ends the relationship.

mistakes people with low self esteem make in relationships

I was always the type of wanting to talk about it and work things out but he gets upset and would just say he wants to be left alone. I was being stubborn and kept pushing is buttons, he got even more upset and broke up with me and blocked me on all social media. He is also struggling with money right now because he doesn’t have a job but he’s actively looking for one. He said he feels like I’m walking all over him and that I dont listen whenever he tells me to stop. He says everytime he tells me to “Stop” or leave him alone it’s because to end the argument but I tend to over think and make it a big deal. He told me that even tho we broke up he still comes home everynight and that if he wanted to move out he would have left already and had other places to stay and see other ppl too.

“Anxiously attached people are hungry for connection and will also be apprehensive of its reliability. They tend to amplify emotional signals as they seek evidence of other people’s responsiveness to them,” says Dr. Sabrina Romanoff, PsyD. It’s better to stop chasing an avoidant, simply for your own peace of mind.

Common Distancing or Deactivating Techniques Love Avoidants Use To Evade Intimacy In Relationships

It may look like they are being driven by an invisible narrative that has nothing to do with what’s actually happening in your relationship. They might, for example, not have a good sense of what is appropriate to share early on in a relationship. This post is very eye opening and comforting, i definitely learned something new today. You will constantly try to understand what is going on, what are you doing wrong and what is going on in your relationship. Dating an avoidant is similar to coming to work, not knowing what you have to do, but also knowing that your boss is watching and that you will be punished eventually.

Avoidantly attached people usually won’t hide the fact that they’ve avoidant. If they mention “we broke up then got back together” about past relationships, that’s been the CLEAREST sign I’ve ever seen. Someone with ambivalent feelings towards relationships or intimacy is more likely to run hot and cold. They want you, but only when they need to win you over.

The hallmark of an avoidant is that they do want connection, but their emotional threshold for it is very low. So, in essence, they pull close and then freak out and back away and then the cycle repeats. They make you feel wanted, but then they pull away, as opposed to those who are not interested and simply pull away, or act indifferent.

Just 5 minutes after our break up I suddenly felt relieved and happy again. All the previous months when I would spend entire weekends crying because he “didn’t have time for us”…all that ended…. I’m left in the lurch, devastated emotionally, alone and crying and cannot find a SINGLE PERSON online as even a mild distraction.

It’s draining me and I thought I’m the one who’s at fault for her leaving me. I don’t know what I did wrong but most of times when I expressed my feelings, she made me felt so guilty just by expressing my emotion and concerns toward the relationship. Now shit got out of hand and she asked her circle to block me even tho they are friends with me. He’s going to try to find a relationship where he’s not really tempted to work on his own issues, and he can simply be along for the ride.

By dating another avoidant, there is no hope of getting that need met. As a result of the negative lessons learned during their formative years, avoidants believe they can only rely on themselves and that everyone will eventually disappoint or abandon them. To avoid all those negative emotions and scenarios, they strongly guard their independence and run away from intimacy.

If you’ve read this far, you clearly care about the person you’re dating. That’s perfectly fine, although you’ve got quite a bit of work cut out for you if your partner truly is an avoidant. Whatever is required in order to feel more secure in your attachment and identity, try to do that activity while you can. It might look like therapy, or meditation, or spending time with platonic friends. Also, people’s attachment styles are usually not black-and-white, so they may have tendencies that also indicate other attachment styles—it’s one of the things people get wrong about attachment styles. Seeking support from a mental health professional can help people with AVPD learn coping mechanisms and develop or strengthen relationships.