I Dated A Depressed Person And Nearly Lost Myself In The Process

“Sometimes they’re acting that way because they’re not interested in the relationship or because they take their frustration out on other people,” says Kissen. Some want to have many friends and family members around while others just want to be left alone to think to themselves. Obviously he is going through a sad time and wishes to be alone, so don’t force him to be sociable when he isn’t in the mood for it. When he is ready to talk about his feelings, he will. I was depressed for a period of time, and I just wanted to be left alone. Having people constantly wanting me to let them talk to me made me even more upset.

It seems daunting, but these are the only situations you should prepare for. CIA Medical Senior Editor Sarah Lisovich deals with depression and has dated a man with the illness. She said their outings often felt emotionally distant because both of them were trying to distract themselves from depression, from talking about it and discussing intense feelings.

I do believe he loves me still, he’s been really stressed and said he’s feeling really depressed. It’s been hard, even if it’s only been a short amount of time. Depression is so evil and vile, it preys on anybody no matter the age, gender, race, how happy they are, etc.

Imagine how many things you have to endure at the same time. Even distance and depression could not be able to separate both of you. Keeping up with someone with depression is hard, let alone dating them. However, you can’t help but find yourself dating one.

Don’t lose your mind trying to figure out how to get him back. Don’t start texting him, calling him or spend your energy stalking him online. Below are some questions to help you sort out what you’re feeling. So you can get a better idea of if he’s really showing the signs of pulling away from you, (or not). Sometimes by just reading the signs above, you can get an idea of if he’s withdrawing from you or not. Other times, if you want to know how to tell it can be helpful reflect on his actions by asking yourself a few questions.

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“You can end up with a kind of secondary gain as a depressed person,” she says. “You gain not having to do things, which is bad for various reasons.” Pushing your partner to pitch in doesn’t just take the burden off you—it also gets them active as well. Needless to say, given the amount of misery in the world, choosing from only happy people would leave a much shallower dating pool, and yet, I still think it’s worth the risk. And while I tend not to believe in black and white thinking, I don’t believe that someone who is fundamentally unhappy can be a great partner. Im very sorry to hear about your boyfriends situation. Indeed, being alone when sad or depressed is not the way for everyone, but sometimes even those who need people also need time to themselve.

Keep in mind that having an insecure attachment style doesn’t mean you’re doomed to always experience relationship anxiety. A good relationship can make you feel loved, secure, and happy. It’s perfectly normal to want to hold on to these feelings and hope nothing happens to disrupt the relationship. Maybe they’re slow to respond to physical affection. Or they don’t reply to texts for several hours — even a day. When they suddenly seem a little distant, you wonder if their feelings have changed.

He has been completely honest with you and told you what he needs. You must leave him alone and realize he is not in his right mind right now to give to the relationship. This is a serious problem — and he does need to own it and take care of it — he can manage and overcome it if he commits to the effort. I would demand a 1 year commitment to getting effective therapy, and that means finding the right therapist, even if that means shopping around until finding one that helps. Dating apps make their money off of active users looking for matches, not happy couples who have been together for a long time. Their fundamental conflict of interest is that they make bank if their app keeps you single and horny.

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This means accepting your partner as they are. It means letting them have negative, painful beliefs, even when you really want grindr pictures them to see things differently. You can stop trying to treat their depression and instead offer empathy, care, and love.

My bf is depressed and avoids me.

As with any relationship, there are pros and cons – but magnified thanks to the extra lives affected if something goes awry. That said, when you’re dating a guy with kids, you’re not just getting a boyfriend, you’re getting a family, too. The weekly Dating Confidence for Men group is a safe and supportive space for men who want to overcome their dating anxiety and build their self-confidence in relationships.

I’ve been letting him have space and all he does is text me randomly hateful messages. Not exactly towards me, but it hurts my feelings. I know he does it on purpose because I always tell him I pray for him. Sometimes I feel like I’m about to have a heart attack, I get these sharp pains in my chest, my stomach turns, I’m so disgusted by him.